How to Make Money in California

How to Make Money in California Fast? [$28K – $315K]

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  • Reading time:20 mins read
  • Post last modified:July 27, 2022

How to Make Money in California

Everybody has the ability to make money. To find these opportunities, you just need a little creativity and an open mind. However, some states offer more opportunities than others.

California is one of those states that offers many options for making a good income. Living in California definitely has its perks, especially when it comes to finances.

Discover how to make money in California and take advantage of all that this state has to offer.

From high-paying jobs to great investment opportunities, read on for some tips on how to get your finances in order and start making the most of your time in the Golden State.

With a little bit of effort, you can easily make money in California and enjoy all that this amazing state has to offer.

1. Apply for a side job positions

One of California’s biggest benefits is the sheer number of employment opportunities it has to offer.

It’s one of the best states for finding a reliable job, as money and other resources are usually readily available.

That being said, if you don’t want to spend all your time working a full-time job, try applying for side jobs that allow you to make money on your own time. Some possibilities include:

  • Retail/Cashier Jobs
  • Food Service Jobs

2. Sell homemade items

homemade items, Make Money in California

Many of us have hobbies that can easily be turned into money. Since California is known for being a creative state, there are plenty of residents looking for new items to purchase.

Even if you’re not the craftiest person around, it just takes a few minutes to create something that others will adore and pay for.

Homemade food items materials and start selling your baked goods, canned goods, and other delicious foods in order to make extra cash in California.

Some common homemade items include:

  • Baked goods
  • Canned goods
  • Crafts/Decorations
  • etc…

3. Sell used items

Speaking of homemade items, many people forget that they can actually sell their old things in order to make more money.

Whether you want to get rid of clothes, electronics, furniture, or any other item taking up space in your home, it’s easy to sell these things on Craigslist or at a garage sale for quick cash.

This will not only help you make extra money, but it’ll allow you to clear out your home and start enjoying a more organized living space.

You’ll also be able to buy new things without having to worry about spending all your cash on necessities.

4. Invest in stocks

If you’re interested in making money by investing, it’s very easy to start buying and selling stock online.

With a financial background or some research, you can easily make well-placed investments that will ensure your success over time.

If you don’t have any experience investing money, many brokers are willing to help beginners.

Look for a reliable broker and follow their guidance in order to start making a profit from your investments as quickly as possible.

There are a lot of people who are interested in buying stocks online, so there’s no need to worry about finding clients.

Once you get started, you can also offer your services to others who are looking for ways to invest their money smartly.

5. Invest in real estate

If you have a little bit of extra cash laying around, consider investing it in California real estate.

While this shouldn’t be your only source of income, it can help you make extra money. Since California has always been known as one of the strongest and most populated areas in the United States.

There are a lot of homes available for sale and the costs are relatively low when compared to other states.

Many people enjoy living in California, especially those who want a nice house with a great view for a reasonable price.

You won’t make as much money as you would with stocks or side jobs. But it’s an easy way to make extra cash on the side.

6. Start your own business

California is a friendly state for small business owners. If you’re interested in starting your own company, the Golden State has many resources that can help you get started.

There are plenty of funding options available and thousands of Californians who are interested in starting their own businesses.

It’s one of the easiest states to make money as an entrepreneur, so if you have a unique idea or skill, don’t be afraid to start your own business.

Plus, California is considered one of the best places to start a business. If you’re interested in learning more about this, follow along with Inc.

Magazine and get helpful tips for starting your own business.

7. Get Paid to Download Apps

As technology continues to get better, more and more apps are becoming available. Some of these apps include games, music, coupons, and other entertainment options that people can download onto their phones or tablets for free.

However, the developers still make money from these downloads by running ads throughout the app.

If you have an Android phone or tablet, you can actually make money by downloading and using these apps.

Since most people have a smartphone nowadays, there’s a huge market for this kind of app use. This will allow you to make money without having to do any extra work.

8. Become a Freelancer


If you have a specific skill or education, there are plenty of people who will hire you to do that job.

Whether it’s designing websites, writing articles for magazines, or becoming an expert in another field.

There are many opportunities available if you’re willing to invest the time and money into your craft.

A lot of people are freelancing these days since it’s a great way to make money while still having time to spend with family or friends.

As long as you’re willing to put in the work, there are many people who will hire you for freelance jobs.

By doing this type of work online, you’ll be able to reach more clients than ever before. There are even some clients who will only hire freelancers.

So if you don’t want to work for a specific company, you can still get hired to do your job. You can also sign up on Fiverr it’s a freelancing website where you can provide your service to the clients

9. Get Paid To Do Surveys

No matter where you live, there are companies trying to get feedback about their products.

But they never know exactly how the public is going to respond, so they need surveys to help them learn more about their consumers.

This allows you to make some easy money by taking a few minutes out of your day to give your thoughts on a product or service.

Several survey companies let you sign up and start taking surveys, so you can start making money right away.

That’s fine, as long as you have an opinion and some time each day. The things you love can make you money.

It only takes a few minutes and the rewards are worth the time you spend online.

10. Start Social Media Management Business

As social media continues to get bigger, more companies are looking for experts who can help them grow their online presence.

This requires knowledge about how specific sites operate and what types of posts will attract the most attention from your followers.

If you have a knack for marketing and know how to use different social media platforms, you can create your own social media marketing business.

With the right social media and marketing skills, you can make money online by helping businesses grow their platforms.

Plus, most companies will only hire consultants who work from home. So this is a great way to get started and make some extra cash each month with very little overhead costs.

11. Start a blog and monetize it


It’s no secret that blogging is a great way to make money online. There are thousands of successful bloggers who make their living by writing posts for their site or building an audience through social media.

But one of the best ways to use your blog is to sell products or services directly from it. This can be anything from courses on specific topics, to selling products.

As long as your blog is popular and you can drive traffic to it, you’ll be able to make money through your site with little work.

There are many different ways that someone could sell products or services from their blog.

But if you’re willing to put in the work, this can be a great way to make money online without having to do anything else.


These are only a few of the many ways you can make money in California. Living in this state is considered one of the best places to live for anyone looking for an easy way to make money.

So you don’t be afraid to try out one or more of these ways to make money in California.

Just remember that if you’re serious about the cash, you’ll need to put in some time and effort into your business.

Some businesses might take years before they produce any real income, so you should be prepared for this possibility.

However, if you can put in the work now, you’ll be able to reap the rewards later.

So if you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and get down to work, there’s plenty of money to be made in California by doing any one of these 11 ways.


Is 100k a good salary in California?

Yes, 100k is a good salary in California. In general, salaries in California are higher than in other states due to the high cost of living. However, your specific salary may vary depending on your occupation, skills, and experience.

how can I legally make money fast?

There are a number of ways to make money fast legally. Here are a few options:
Sell items online.
Offer services as a freelancer.
Start your own blog
Invest in penny stocks or short-term investments.