If you ask anybody why they work today, they'll say: 'It's to feed my family, my wife and my kids', but they don't even conceive that it is also to feed and supply the family of God - and it is! 'Murder!'. They said: 'Dear brother, you're not going to go into eternity with this grudge in your heart, are you? - The Bible should be interpreted in a Despite the hundreds of mentions, love is not the most mentioned word in the Bible in English, Hebrew, or Greek. 8 Bible Verses about Abel. Whether it really is the authority over that of 1 Corinthians 13 is up for debate. The simple answer is that he was hostile towards Abel for no other reason than that Abel was right with God and Cain was not. Many want to lay down the lives of their brethren, rather than to lay down their lives for their brethren. I appreciate your perspective regarding [team task].2021. For, "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. Now don't shoot me at the door, I'm only the messenger, this is God's word, take it or leave it! These numbers may not match with non-English translations of the Bible, because English only has one word for love, while some other languages have more than one. The supreme act of love, John says in John 15:13, 'Greater love hath no man than this, but that a man lays down his life for his friends'. He said: 'Well, you go off and tell him that I've forgiven him, but remember: if I get better the deal's off'. You hear people talking today about 'Falling in and out of love' - I don't believe you do either of those two things. This expression 'lay down the life' is used many times in John's writings - John 10, 11 and 15. If they have something they give freely to the man who has nothing. An examination of the five most common nouns shows they reflect the primary subjects of the Bible the main characters in literary terms. The doctrine of Christ's Person. For example, within the Bible, the Greek word Phillia, Eros, Philautia, and Mania are used as forms of love. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Romans 5 and verse 8: 'God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us'. My friend, there could be a hundred Christians that you know, and you love 99 of them, and there's just one that you hate - and John says if you hate that one you're in deep spiritual trouble! The grammar, structure, and style of those languages are very different from English, and a literal word-for-word translation is not possible. This copyright is exercised to keep these materials freely available to all. Quick outline of 1 John How many. Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous'. This is not referring and in the category of any form of life man can naturally have, but that supernatural life that only comes from knowing Jesus Christ as one's personal Savior. But if we take all those definitions, modern definitions of love, we can see that there's a trend running right throughout them all, and it is simply this: that love in some shape or form is understood as being something that gives you self-gratification. What chapter in the Bible is the Love chapter? Love does make the top 100 most used words in the Bible, along with other important concepts from the Bible likeHeaven, sin, peace, and Christ. Rather you should have in your life the attributes of Christ: when He was reviled, He reviled not again. I know they're portrayed as being doctrinal disputes, but most of the time they're just personality struggles fuelled by jealousy, fuelled by envy - and they're singing praise, one on one side of the church and one on the other, and they're sworn enemies as they praise to God with their tongues! However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Tap a Lookup below to generate a list oflessons. We have sort of an image in our minds of what John is like. You don't have to commit the act to have a murderous heart, because God is not as much concerned with the outward appearance as He is with the heart. Of all the "loves" mentioned in the New Testament, love for the brethren is one of the most prominent (see, for example, John 13:34-35; 15:12, 13, 17; Romans 13:8; 1 Peter 1:22; 2:17; 4:8; 1 John 2-4 ). This chapter covers the subject of Love. And wherefore slew he him? Any exceptions to these conditions must be explicitly approved by Preach The Word. - because lust is the seed of adultery, and hate and anger are the seed of murder. It is not lessening Christ's position as the incarnate Son of God, but is addressing a specific aspect of what Christ accomplished, that is L I F E! Preach The Word. That means 58.7% of the usages of love, loved, loves, and loving throughout the entire letter is found in 1 John 4:7-21. The first Greek word for "love" is eros, which refers to romantic or sexual love. Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". PrevSermon Series(10 of 23) Next Sermon. It is authored by Paul the Apostle and Sosthenes in Ephesus. It is the "How In 1 Corinthians 13, love (and in context, it) is used a total of 17 times in just 13 verses. We can know if what we hear is from God or the antichrist. 2. John gives us, first of all, an illustration of what this love is not, what this love is not like. Even in Bible 541 times the word love has been mentioned. By this we know that we abide in him and he in us", "The one who does not love his brother cannot love God Whoever loves the Father loves the child born of him we love the children ofGod when we love God", "The one who says he is in the light and yet hates his brother is in the darkness the darkness has blinded his eyes", "Anyone is not ofGod who does not love his brother", "The one who does not love, does not know God", "Whoever has this world's goods and beholds a brother in need, and closes up his heart against him, how does the love ofGod abide in him? This means that in 1 John 4:7-21, love makes up 26.4% of its usage in 1 John and the Gospel of John combined. -The openly committed gross sin and Wonder not then that the serpentine world hates and hisses at you who belong to that seed of the woman that is to bruise the serpent's head'. Matthew Henry noted well in his commentary on this verse: 'The great serpent himself reigns as the god of this world. What drives people? John is a familiar figure in most of the scenes with Jesus and the disciples. How often does it happen? b. The Bible says that mankind is made in the image of God, and that God is love. I believe this is seen often in how, sometimes, we casually use the word - even as Christians. I might say: 'I love chocolate' - dropping a hint there! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The example he gives us is Cain. So he comes from this great illustration in Christ to the application, and that application is an obligation to everyone who names the name of Christ. He didn't lay aside His attributes, but He thought it not something to be grasped at, and relinquished them voluntarily as He came to earth to live as a man - why? Below is an approximate list of the number of times love appears in different popular translations of the Bible: One thing to note is that the King James Version count does not include the count for charity, a word used in the early 17th century when translation was first published which referred to the highest form of love, selfless, and reciprocal. 2nd Verse 2. Now that is not the Bible's definition of love. It doesn't mean that God is against sexual union, it just means the concept was totally depraved and perverted. 'David Legge is kind, he does not envy, he does not boast, he is not proud' - but this is in effect what John is saying. Love never fails'. -They deny Jesus came in the flesh. Bible Quiz Questions From The Book Of Job, Bible Quiz Questions From The Book Of Esther pdf, Bible Quiz Questions and Answers from the Book of Job PDF, Bible Quiz Questions And Answers From The Book Of Genesis, Bible Quiz Questions And Answers From The Book Of Job, Bible Quiz Questions And Answers From The Book Of Psalms, Bible Questions And Answers From The Book Of Judges, What Does it Mean When an Ex Appears in Your Dream, What Does Ringing in Your Left Ear Mean Spiritually. How many times is the word LOVE mentioned in the NIV Bible? My prayers shall be of others. The Necessity Of Confession And Repentance, Revival Now Pt9: A New Revival And Reform Movement, Revival Now Pt8: A New Disciple-Making Movement. If we lived like that today, our Christianity, just like the early church, would be infectious, it would be contagious, it would explode, it would mushroom. They are communicated through four Greek words (Eros, Storge, Philia, and Agape) and are characterized by romantic love, family love, brotherly love, and Gods divine love. Meekness, love not fighting, but bowed at Calvary. What Paul says about love in that part of his letter is worldview altering. At first glance, it appears that John wants to pump up his ego with his self-given nickname, "the disciple who Jesus loved". God - mentioned approximately 4300 times. And the Lord had regard for Abel and for his offering; Genesis 4:8. The women might say: 'I love shopping'. Perhaps the best way to understand agape love is to think of it as the type of love that comes from God. My friend, if that is your problem, that is a big problem, a big problem. We looked at this in more detail last week, but what John is saying is that this proved that Cain was not of God, this characteristic of lack of love. 57 times in the Gospel of John, more than the Mathew, Mark or Luke gospels. We ask the question: did Abel do something on him? It makes things very practical. (a) Love is deeds, not talk. Transcribed by: The mention of 'love' in the Bible varies based on the Bible's version. Now as I've told you on previous evenings in this study, particularly in our introductory night way back at the beginning of September, there's not much structure to the first epistle of John, and the themes in it are really spiralled right throughout this book - if you like, in the form of a spiral staircase that tends to widen the further up it goes. Have you ever passed on rumour? Israel - mentioned over 2700 times . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. What is it? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Let us not love with word or tongue, but in deed and in truth", "For this is the love ofGod that we keep his commandments", "Whoever keeps Gods word, in him the love ofGod has truly been perfected", "We know that we love the children ofGod when we love God and do his commandments", "He who does not have love does not know God". Answer (1 of 6): 13 times in 12 verses in 8 chapter in 6 books. But then there is the social test, and that is the one we're looking at tonight again, and that is that of love towards our brothers specifically in Christ - and our sisters of course - and indeed love that we are to show to all men. Let us not love with word or tongue, but in deed and in truth" (1John 3:17-18). So we begin in chapter 1 and chapter 2 of this book with several core cardinal themes that John's going to take right throughout this book as threads, but each time he revisits it in this spiral he adds another aspect of truth to it or another application to it. John says, "I saw Him physically". person has two parallel natures and they are completely separate. That fact is not as difficult to discern as this love in the life of some people who call themselves Christians. Ultimately what it was was rebellion towards God, God wanted an offering and Abel came God's way with a little slain lamb, and Cain came his own way with an offering from the fruit of the ground because he was a farmer. Each Watch Has A Purpose. O Thou Saviour divine, -They deny He is the Son of God. The first two times Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him, Jesus used the appropriate form ofagp; Peter responded, with a form ofphila,a lesser form of love, less familiar and less intimate. Make us a people who love. This fellowship can be hadthis life eternal is real, purpose and an absolute truth. 222 Prayers of the Bible | HopeFaithPrayer To do that one would need to look at walking in darkness, loving the world, not . They've chosen no longer to love the person because, one way or another, they're not getting their way any longer. 2 Peter 1:16-19 Peter also proclaims he was an eyewitness to the glory of Jesus Christ when at the Transfiguration he heard God say, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.. One of the most surprising twists of John 3:16 is that we are told God loves the world. Not only was there his parentage, but there were his practices. Here's an approximate list of the number of times love appears in different popular translations of the Bible: English Standard Version: 684 King James Version: 442 New American Standard Bible: 479 New Living Translation: 759 New International Version: 686 The Message: 611 In 1 Cor.13 'Charity' is a wrong translation. Now I know, and I agree to differ with some who see this portion of Scripture outlining primarily the two natures of the Christian; but I believe that the sentiments here are too strong, because John, time after time after time, is telling us that these people who have an absence of these characteristics are proving that they do not have the life of God in them - and your old nature can never have the life of God in it. The word love appears 57 times in the Gospel of John, more often than in the other three gospels combined. That's what this epistle is all about, and here he is repeating it again: 'Hereby we can know that we have this eternal life'. ; Love is obedience to God's commands. Is love the most mentioned word in the Bible? Sometimes we have to get what a thing is not to understand a little bit more about what it is. A famous example in the Gospels where the limitations of Englishs one word is apparent comes from the Gospel of John. Not only were they renowned for doctrinal purity, but early Christians were renowned for practical charity. The church in Jerusalem had been destroyed with Jerusalem in 70 AD and no longer existed. c. If the Gospel? He says, "Love one another as I have loved you". You might not have used a dagger on anybody, but John is talking about looking daggers at your neighbours, at your friends, at your brothers and sisters in Christ. Not only are you still dead if you hate your brother, but you're a murderer like Cain, John says. Love in 1 John by the Numbers STUDY Flashcards Learn Write Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity 44 Click card to see definition How many times is the word love used in 1 John? I hope that as we preach these messages each of us will honestly seek Gods truth. c. This view is consistent with the content of the book. You're still dead, and then he says in verse 15 at the beginning: 'Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him'. int arr[MAX_SIZE];. Love (Love, loveth, beloved) ,from the word agape, is mentioned 51 times in the Epistle of First John. This is the brotherly love in view in verse 10. Sadly, love has come to be described in awful terms, some of the most hateful and perverse practices that are known to man today are now being described as 'love'. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. Now turn with me for a moment to 1 Corinthians chapter 13, to the great passage on love and its definition. Some people say that their marriage or their relationship has broken down irretrievably because they've 'fallen out of love'. God could not have created a sinful world. If you are truly a child of God, the world will hate you.
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